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Publication: Forest Products Journal
Authors: Dallons V
Reference ID: 28(1):42-47
Publish Year: 1978
Member Download Price: $0.00
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Title: Pollution from Several Wood Species in Hardboard Production
Pollution loadings from hardboard mills are related to cooking conditions, wood species, and other factors. To determine the relative importance, with respect to pollution, of the wood species used, samples of different species of chips were steamed at various pressures and times, refined to pulp, and the pollution parameters of the resulting water examined. The resulting experimental potential pollution loadings corresponding to cooking times and pressures for each wood species used in industrial practice are listed. Significant differences in potential raw waste loading can be expected between hardboard mills producing S1S and S2S board, while the wood species used have a smaller effect on the potential raw waste loading from a mill. Actual waste loading will be less than the potential raw waste by an amount depending upon the amount of recycle practiced. A reduction in unnecessarily severe cooking conditions at some mills could reduce discharges from these mills.

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