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Publication: Forest Products Journal
Authors: Zhang Jilei|Maupin Mark
Reference ID: 54(6):40-46
Publish Year: 2004
Member Download Price: $0.00
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Title: Face lateral and withdrawal resistances of staple joints in furniture-grade pine plywood
Face lateral and withdrawal resistances of face-to-face single- and multi-staple joints in furniture-grade, 3/4-inch-thick 5-ply southern yellow pine plywood were investigated. Single-staple joint experimental results indicated that staple crown orientation influenced the lateral and withdrawal resistances of single-staple joints in the pine plywood. Multi-staple joint experimental results indicated, in general, the number of staples positively affected the joint lateral and withdrawal resistances. The lateral and withdrawal resistances increased significantly as the number of staples increased from two to five at increments of one. Multi-staple joints tended to have higher face lateral resistances compared to withdrawal resistance. Average face lateral and withdrawal resistances of two-staple joints could be doubled by adding three more staples. Experimental results also indicated that no significant difference existed between lateral-perpendicular and lateral-parallel resistances for staple joints in the pine plywood when they were connected with two or less staples. But joint resistances to lateral-perpendicular loads became significantly higher than to lateral-parallel loads as the number of staples increased to three, four, and five. Power expressions including single-staple joint resistance values and multi-staple correction factors could reasonably estimate the face lateral and withdrawal resistances of multi-staple joints in the 5-ply pine plywood.

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